Our Brands:
1-Question. What is Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Calcium Reactor Media? |
Answer: Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media is composed of pure aragonite,
calcareous algae, small seashells, coral fragments and other calcareous marine organisms.
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2-Question. Where does the Premium Aragonite Reactor Media come from? |
Answer: Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media is collected from pristine remote
locations of the Caribbean Sea to maintain the highest purity and is comprised of 100% Natural
calcareous algae, small seashells, foraminifera shells, coral fragments and other marine calcareous
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3-Question. What are the benefits of using our Reactor Media? |
Answer: Reduces Consumption of CO2, Perfect for all types of Calcium Reactors, Safe for Reefs,
100% All Natural – From The Ocean To You, No Phosphates or Silicates, Grain Size approx. 4-6 mm
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4-Question. What are the Characteristics of the Calcium Reactor Media? |
Zinc Sulphate, Calcium Chloride,
Manganese Chloride, Cobalt Chloride,
Copper Sulphate, Sodium Molybdate,
Strontium Chloride, Nickel Chloride,
Potassium Bromide.
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5-Question. What do they look like? |
6-Question. How to use the Reactor Media? |
Answer:Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media is ready-to-use right from the
container. Just add reactor media to approximately three quarters full, add seawater and run
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7-Question. What are some of the recommended uses for the Reactor Media? |
Answer: Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media provides optimum dissolution rate of
the aragonite material, which effectively minimize CO2 consumption and enhance overall
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Is the Calcium Reactor Media natural? |
Answer: Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media is collected from pristine remote
locations of the Caribbean Sea to maintain the highest purity and is comprised of 100% Natural
calcareous algae, small seashells, foraminifera shells, coral fragments and other marine calcareous
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9-Question. Can the Calcium Reactor Media be used in the saltwater fish tanks? |
Answer: Yes, Our Natural Gravel is nontoxic and will not alter the chemistry of the saltwater in
your aquarium tank. Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media is collected from pristine remote
locations of the Caribbean Sea to maintain the highest purity and is comprised of 100% Natural calcareous algae,
small seashells, foraminifera shells, coral fragments and other marine calcareous organisms.
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10-Question. Where can the Reactor Media be purchased? |
11-Question. How do I clean my Reactor Media substrates? |
Answer: To clean Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media for your aquarium DO NOT use soap
or any toxic product that could kill your fish. Our Reactor media is pre-washed so it is ready to be
used from the container. If you must clean them just use clean running water to wash your Reactor
Media substrates.
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12-Question. Who uses Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media? |
Answer: Some of the people who use our Premium Aragonite Reactor Media are: Aquarists, Hobbyist,
and coral farmers.
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13-Question. What are some other recommended products for my saltwater fish tank? |
Answer: Nutri-SeaWater® can be added to existing Synthetic Saltwater Aquariums to provide the
missing natural Live heterotrophic marine bacteria, natural trace elements and natural critical
nutrients needed "For a Healthier Aquarium®". To find out more information click this link: www.nutriseawater.com
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14-Question. Why is the grain size important? |
Answer: Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media grain size is variable in the range of
4mm to 6mm. These different grain sizes insures proper flow in the reactor chamber and ideal CO2 penetration.
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15-Question. What is the replacement schedule for your reactor media in my reactor? |
Answer: The media will have to be replaced on a regular basis. This will be dependent on how
heavily the Nature's Ocean® Premium Aragonite Reactor Media is being consumed. It is a good
practice to check every three months at the start, and as time goes on you will find a more
accurate time line in which to renew the media. In the interim, it is advised to check your
reactor chamber monthly. When you change to new media, you should always check the
circulation pump, and clean if necessary.
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16-Question. If I have low calcium will using Aragonite Reactor Media raise my levels? |
Answer: The quick answer is yes and no, and in fact you can make your problems worse if you're
not careful. Like any reef supplementation program, you must move slowly as the calcium reactor
is brought online in your reef system. The effluent (the product that comes out of the reactor)
can have a very low pH and this can in turn shift the pH of your tank to more acidic levels. A well
tuned calcium reactor can easily bring low calcium levels up to a more useful level, but it's best to
have things in the right range before you start adding effluent from the reactor.
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