Nature's Ocean
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"Manufacturers of Premium Aquarium Products Since 1979".
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 Our Brands: Activ Betta: Bio-Activ Live Gravel Live Sand: All Natural Live Aquarium Sands From Around The World African Cichlid Substrates for your aquarium Reef Sand: Bio-Activ Live® Aragonite Reef Sand Nature's Ocean Premium Aragonite Reactor Media Aqua Terra: Freshwater colored aquarium sand Nutri-Seawater: Natural LIVE® Ocean Saltwater Pure Water Pebbles: Premium Fresh Water Substrates - Aquarium Gravel Activ Flora: Planted Aquarium Substrates Reptile Sciences: All Natural Reptile Sands Hermit Habitat: Use ProCalcium Sand for a Healthier Hermit Crab™ Base Rock: All Natural Corals Fantasy Bowl: The Ultimate Acrylic Fish Bowl Nature's Rocks: Natural Rocks by Nature's Rocks® a
live sand world wide imports
FAQ: Live Sand | Reef Sand | Nutri-Seawater | Pure Water Pebbles | Activ-Flora | Reptile-Science
  Hermit Habitat | Natural Coral | Fantasy Bowl | Nature's Rocks | Activ Betta | Reactor Media
  African Cichlid Substrates | Base Rock | Aqua Terra
1. What is Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution?
2. What is Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel?
3. Where does Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution come from?
4. Where does Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel come from?
5. What are the benefits of using our Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution?
6. What are the benefits of using our Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Gravel?
7. What do they look like?
8. What colors do Activ-Betta® Bio- Activ Live Aquarium Gravel come in?
9. How do I use the Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution?
10. How do I use the Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Gravel?
11. Who uses the Activ-Betta® products?
12. Can the Activ-Betta® products be used in a saltwater tank?
13. Where can the Activ-Betta® products be purhcased?
14. How do I clean my Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel?
15. Why should I drain liquid before use?
16. Why shouldn't I rinse product before use?
1-Question. What is Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution?
Answer: Activ-Betta™ Bio-Activ Live® Aqueous Solution™ is a true Living Solution, rich in denitrifying bacteria & trace elements that when combined with Bio-Activ® Live Gravel, provide the only complete, instantly balanced and readied environment for your Betta.
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2-Question. What is Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel?
Answer: Premium All Natural LIVE® Substrate Specially Packaged in LIVE® Fresh Water For Instant Cyclying® Of Your Betta Aquarium and Fresh Water Fish Aquariums.
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3-Question. Where does Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution come from?

Answer: Activ Betta Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solutions is specially filtered natural live water that is reformulated to provide the ideal environment for your Betta.

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4-Question. Where does Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel come from?
Answer: Our Activ Betta Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel comes from river beds and river basins located around the world.
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5-Question. What are the benefits of Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution?
100% Natural Live® Aqueous Solution
Contains Live® Denitrifying Bacteria and Beneficial Trace Elements
INSTANT CYCLING® Of Your Betta Fish Bowl Or Aquarium
Perfect For All Fresh Water Fish
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6-Question. What are the benefits of using our Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Gravel?
Use them in your aquariums and ponds to make the floor bottom look great.
It provides living space for beneficial microbes and anchoring for plants.
It helps with the filtering process of the water in your aquarium tank or pond.
Silica & Phosphate free
Contains essential strontium, potassium and magnesium
Natural odor neutralizer
Creates an all natural environment
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7-Question. What do they look like?
Answer: Go to this link to see what our Activ-Betta products look like:
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8-Question. What colors do Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel come in?
Answer: We have a wide variety of colors from Natura Lite to Red River. Go to this link to see some of the other colors that we carry:
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9-Question. How do I use the Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aqueous solution?
Answer: Remove any contents from bowl and pre-wash with clean water, and then rinse with Activ-Betta™ Bio-Activ Live® Aqueous Solution™ to remove any residual chemicals found in tap water. Fill with remaining Activ-Betta™ Bio-Activ Live® Aqueous Solution™. Recommended water change every 8-11 days with Activ-Betta™ Bio-Activ Live® Aqueous Solution™ to maintain a healthy environment for your Betta.
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10-Question. How do I use the Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Gravel?
Answer: No Waiting...Just Add Fish!™ Premium All Natural LIVE® Substrate Specially Packaged in LIVE® Fresh Water For Instant Cyclying® Of Your Betta Aquarium and Fresh Water Fish Aquariums.
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11-Question. Who uses our Activ-Betta® products?
Answer: Freshwater tank aquarist use our Activ-Betta products.
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12-Question. Can the Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live products be used in the saltwater tanks?
Answer: No, these products are designed strictly for fresh water purposes. If you need live products for you saltwater tank please take a look at our Live Sand and Nutri Seawater® product links.
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13-Question. Where can the Activ Betta® products be purchased?
Answer: Our Activ Betta® products can be purchased all around the world. To find a store near you go to our store locator link:
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14-Question. How do I clean my Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Live Aquarium Gravel?
Answer: To clean the Activ-Betta® Live Gravel for your aquarium DO NOT use soap or any toxic product that could kill your fish. Rinse stone gravel using the Activ Betta® Bio-Activ Aqueous Live solution until clean. All you need is a very clean or new bucket preferably one only to be used for the aquarium gravel cleaning. Put a strainer or sieve on top of bucket and then place a few hands full of live gravel on top of strainer and gently wash with live solution until the gravel is completely clean. Then add the rinsed gravel to the fish tank and fill with remaining Activ-Betta® Bio-Activ Live® Aqueous Solution™.
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15-Question. Why should I drain liquid before use?
Answer: During packaging and shipping, stones may grind together, leaving small particles suspended in the liquid. This may cause discoloration of the liquid.
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16-Question. Why shouldn't I rinse the product before use?
Answer: Because each grain is covered in a film live bacteria, rinsing the product with chlorinated tap water will disrupt and kill this beneficial biofilm. If rinsing is needed, use Activ Betta Bio-Activ Lve Aqueous solution.
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  Our Products:
  Sand for Aquariums Aquarium Gravel Aquarium Rocks Aquarium Water Reptile Sands Hermit Crab Sands
  Saltwater Aquarium Sand Saltwater Aquarium Gravel Saltwater Aquarium Rocks Aquarium Saltwater Reptile Sand Hermit Crab Sands
  Aquarium Live Sand Freshwater Aquarium Gravel Freshwater Aquarium Rocks Aquarium Freshwater Reptile Substrates Hermit Crab Substrates
  Aquarium Dry Sand Freshwater Live Gravel        
  Freshwater Aquarium Sand Colored Aquarium Gravel        
  Colored Aquarium Sand Coated Aquarium Gravel        
    Frosted Aquarium Substrates        
    Planted Aquarium Gravel        
    Aragonite Reactor Media        
  Cichlid Sands Base Rocks        
  Cichlid Dry Sand Coral Base Rock        
  Cichlid Dry Substrates Purple Base Rock        
  Bio Activ Live Cichlid Sand Indo Coral Reef Rock        
  Bio Activ Live Cichlid Gravel Holey Rock        
  Our Brands:
Live Sand: All Natural Live Aquarium Sands From Around The World Reef Sand: Bio-Activ Live® Aragonite Reef Sand Nutri-Seawater: Natural LIVE® Ocean Saltwater Pure Water Pebbles: Premium Fresh Water Substrates - Aquarium Gravel Activ Flora: Planted Aquarium Substrates Reptile Sciences: All Natural Reptile Sands Hermit Habitat: Use ProCalcium Sand for a Healthier Hermit Crab™ Base Rock: All Natural Corals Fantasy Bowl: The Ultimate Acrylic Fish Bowl Nature's Rocks: Natural Rocks by Nature's Rocks® Activ Betta: Bio-Activ Live Gravel African Cichlid Substrates for your aquarium Nature's Ocean Premium Aragonite Reactor Media Aqua Terra: Freshwater colored aquarium sand